Sen Sok Village

A passion for the planet

One class in Sen Sok Village has been learning about the impact that waste has on the environment. Incredibly, the students decided to respond to their lessons and take action. Rubbish is scattered across the roadsides and heavily pollutes Sen Sok Village, this makes it an unsafe and unhygienic place for the communities to live. Every Friday after school, the class have decided to go out into the village and rubbish pick.

Members of Queens College who were passionate environmentalist, also noticed the issue of plastic waste build up in SenSok Village whilst on an EDUKID trip in Cambodia. In response to the students initial concerns, Queens College in Taunton and Ashville College in Harrogate (both members of the MIST group) decided to fund a Plastic Project for Sen Sok Village, Cambodia.

The new plastic project aims to alleviate poverty and improve education. We plan to do this by first of all cleaning up the village littered with plastic waste and then recycle that plastic to create educational resources for the children we support.

So far, the two schools have raised money to build machines that will shred, melt and then mould the plastic waste into educational tools such as letters and number shapes for use within the classrooms.

This project will undoubtedly create a huge impact on the entire community at Sen Sok Village in reducing its environmental damage. It will also improve the children’s education, whether this be through physical resources, or raising awareness on how to maintain a healthier and greener society free of plastic pollution!